


研究室分機:(05)272-0411 #36201



  1. 林秀珍、顧曉雲(2007)。課程改革新視野—學校運動經驗與道德教育的結合。教育實踐與研究,20(1),147-172。
  2. 顧曉雲(2007)。十七世紀的通識教育思想—康門紐斯《大教學論》中的泛智教育。通識在線,11,37-39。
  3. 顧曉雲(2007)。行動研究中的教育理論建構問題探討。中等教育,58 (6),8-21。
  4. 顧曉雲(2007)。杜威實驗學校之教育理念探究。初等教育學刊,28,73-91。
  5. 顧曉雲(2013)。英教育家F. Clarke民主教育理念之探究。教育研究集刊,59 (2),89-114。(TSSCI正式名單)
  6. Ku, H. Y. (2013), Education for Liberal Democracy: Fred Clarke and the 1944 Education Act. History of Education, 42 (5), 578-597. (SSCI正式名單)
  7. Ku, H. Y. (2013), Fred Clarke’s Ideals of Liberal Democracy: State and Community in Education. British Journal of Educational Studies, 61 (4), 401-415. (SSCI正式名單)
  8. 顧曉雲 (2016)。H. C. Dent的民主教育理念及其對英國教育改革之貢獻(1940-1944)。教育學刊。46,37-72。(TSSCI正式名單)
  9. Ku, H. Y. (2016). Fighting for Social Democracy: R. H. Tawney and Educational Reconstruction in World War II. Paedagogica Historica, 52 (3), 266-285. (SSCI正式名單)
  10. Ku, H. Y. (2017), In Pursuit of Democracy: Shena Simon and the reform of secondary education, 1938-1948. History of Education (in press). (SSCI正式名單)
  11. Ku, H. Y. (2017). Education for Democratic Citizenship: Ernest Simon’s Ideals of Liberal Democracy and Citizenship Education in England, 1934-1944. Historia y Memoria de la Educación (in press).


  1. 林秀珍、顧曉雲(2006,11月)。課程改革新視野—運動經驗與道德教育的結合。論文發表於國立臺灣師範大學教育系主辦之「社會變遷與課程改革」國際學術研討會,台北市。
  2. 顧曉雲(2007,1月)。杜威實驗學校之教育理念探究。論文發表於澳門大學舉辦之「第一屆兩岸四地教育史研究論壇」,澳門。
  3. Ku, H. Y. (2010). ‘Fred Clarke and educational reform, 1940-1944’. Post-graduate Panel, History of Education Society Annual Conference on ‘Citizenship, Religion and Education’, 26-28 November 2010, London.
  4. Ku, H. Y. (2011). ‘Education for liberal democracy: Fred Clarke and educational reconstruction in England, 1936-1952’. Histories of Education Summer School Conference for European Postgraduate Students on ‘Researching histories of European educational spaces, discourses and sources’. 6th-12th June. 2011, Birmingham.
  5. Ku, H. Y. (2012). ‘Fred Clarke and the 1944 Education Act’. One-day conference on ‘National and International Perspectives in the History of Education’. 8th June 2012, Institute of Education, London.
  6. Ku, H. Y. (2013). ‘Education for liberal democracy: Fred Clarke and the 1944 Education Act’. History of Education Society Annual Conference on ‘Rulers, Rebels and Reformers’, 30th November-2nd December 2012, Winchester.
  7. 甄曉蘭、顧曉雲(2014年,3月)。Science teachers’ beliefs of teaching and learning scientific reasoning in Taiwan: Teachers’ exercise of agency and cultural divergence。論文發表於國立臺灣師範大學課程與教學研究所主辦之「國小科學優質教育跨國比較」國際學術研討會,台北市。
  8. Ku, H. Y. (2014). ‘Fighting for Social Democracy: R. H. Tawney and Educational Reconstruction in World War II’. International Standing Conference for the History of Education on ‘Education, War & Peace’, 23rd -26th July 2014, London.
  9. 顧曉雲(2014,11月)。H. C. Dent的民主教育理念及其對英國教育改革之貢獻(1940-1944)。論文發表於澳門大學舉辦之「第八屆兩岸四地教育史研究論壇」,澳門。
  10. Ku, H. Y. (2015). ‘In Pursuit of Democracy: Shena Simon and the reform of secondary education, 1938-1948’. International Standing Conference for the History of Education on ‘Culture and Education’, 24th -27th June 2015, Istanbul.
  11. 顧曉雲(2015,10月)。民主與中等教育改革—英教育家Shena Simon的理念與實踐(1938-1948)。論文發表於國立臺灣師範大學、臺北市立大學聯合舉辦之「第九屆兩岸四地教育史研究論壇」,台北。
  12. Ku, H. Y. (2016). ‘Education for Democratic Citizenship: Ernest Simon’s Ideals of Democracy and Citizenship in England, 1934-1944’. British Educational Research Association (BERA) Annual Conference, 13th -15th September 2016, London.
  13. Ku, H. Y. (2016). ‘Deconstructing the historical, social forces in the framing of Europe in history textbooks in the building of nation-state’. British Educational Research Association (BERA) Annual Conference, 13th -15th September 2016, London.
  14. 顧曉雲(2016,11月18-20日)。民主社會中公民的養成:英教育家Ernest Simon公民素養教育理念之探究。論文發表於浙江大學舉辦之「第十屆兩岸四地教育史研究論壇」,浙江。
  15. 顧曉雲(2017,5月19-20日)。英社會主義學者Sidney Webb的民主與教育改革論述(1884-1914)。論文發表於暨南大學舉辦之「公義社會中的倫理、民主與教育研討會」,南投。
  16. Ku, H. Y. (2017). ‘The emancipation of working-class children: British Socialists and Educational Reform (1880-1914)’. International Standing Conference for the History of Education on ‘Education and Emancipation’, 18th -21th July 2017, Buenos Aires.
  17. Ku, H. Y. (2017). ‘English progress towards Social democracy: Sidney Webb and the Education of working-class children, 1884-1914’. British Educational Research Association (BERA) Annual Conference, 5th -7th September 2016, Brighton.


顧曉雲 (2017)。民主與教育重建:英社會主義學者R. H. Tawney的教改論述與實踐 (1940-1944)。載於教育研究新視野:中正大學教育學研究所二十週年論文集(頁79-116)。台北:五南。

